On August 1, 2015, Rush played their last show at the Forum in Los Angeles. Five years later, Rush’s drummer and lyricist Neil Peart passed away from cancer. The band is no more, but the endurance of Rush’s music among its fans is not fading. In this episode, Ted chats with Steve and Gerry of the Something for Nothing podcast that, after 175 episodes, hit the pause button on new episodes. While that podcast is on hiatus, Steve and Gerry visit Planet LP to talk to Ted Asregadoo about Rush’s music, how they became fans, and to rank order the final track on each of Rush’s 19 studio albums.
1. Working Man (1974)
2. In The End (1975)
3. The Fountain of Lamneth (1975)
4. Something for Nothing (1976)
5. Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage (1977)
6. La Villa Strangiato (1978)
7. Natural Science (1980)
8. Vital Signs (1981)
9. Countdown (1982)
10. Between the Wheels (1984)
11. Mystic Rhythms (1985)
12. High Water (1987)
13. Available Light (1989)
14. You Bet Your Life (1991)
15. Everyday Glory (1993)
16. Carve Away The Stone (1996)
17. Out of the Cradle (2002)
18. We Hold On (2007)
19. The Garden (2012)