Ted, John, and Michael continue their trek through the thickets of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time in Rolling Stone magazine. In this episode, our intrepid trio focuses all their might on picking their top three albums from the 1970s. Not an easy decade to distill down to three picks, but the guys do their level best.
I was at that Pink Floyd concert Michael mentioned. They opened with Shine on You Crazy Diamond. I understood the composition of the song after seeing it live. And two words: Flaming Bed!
That’s awesome that you saw Pink Floyd on the same tour — and at the same venue?
Correct! And thanks for the shout out on Episode 33! The Flaming Bed? Came at the end of “On The Run.” From the back of the Oakland Coliseum on a wire, a flaming bed flew down and crashed with a hug explosion on the side of the stage!
Holy crap! That’s an awesome effect! And thank you for being such a dedicated listener to the ‘cast, Bob!